Rabu, 21 September 2011


Siapa yang tidak kenal tanaman Murbei (Morus alba L) ? Buah tanaman asal negeri tirai bambu itu unik dan punya ciri khas. Rasa buah antara manis asem dan dijamin bikin segar di lidah. Selain leker di lidah, murbei sudah lama dikenal sebagai tanaman herbal untuk kesehatan.
Murbei juga menjadi makanan istimewa si ulat sutra karena itu banyak petani yang budidaya tanaman ini. Murbei tumbuh baik pada ketinggian lebih dari 100 m dari permukaan laut, dan suka sinar matahari. Di Cina, murbei dikenal dengan nama Sangye dan di Inggris disebut mulberry. Di Indonesia tumbuhan ini lebih dikenal luas dengan sebutan besaran (murbei atau arbei).

Di Cina, daun murbei telah lama digunakan sebagai salah satu obat tradisional untuk pencegahan dan perawatan diabetes. Menurut para tabib, daun murbei mengandung senyawa yang dapat menekan kadar gula darah tinggi. Selain daun berkhasiat istimewa, buah murbei atau dalam bahasa mandarin disebut sang shen bermanfaat untuk memperkuat ginjal dan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah. Praktisnya buah murbei menghilangkan sembelit dan mengatasi gangguan pencernaan. Para ilmuwan di Jepang menunjuk sejumlah biologis senyawa aktif dalam ekstrak daun murbei putih (Morus alba). Tanaman yang disukai ulat sutra itu, daunnya juga diekstrak yang efektif menekan perkembangan aterosklerois, penumpukan plak kolesterol di arteries.

Menurut ahli kimia, daun murbei mengandung beberapa ekstrak kimia untuk tubuh seperti ecdysterone, inokosterone, lupeol, betasitosterol, rutin, moracetin, isoquersetin, scopoletin, scopolin, alfa, betahexenal, cis beta hexenol, cis lamda hexenol, benzaidehide, eugenol, lanaloolbenzyl alcohol, butylamine, acetone, trigonelline, cholin, adenine, copper, zinc, vitamin (a, b1, c dan karoten) dan asam amino, clorogenik, fumarat, folat, dan asam formyltetrahydrofolik, mioinositol dan phytoestrogens.

Bila anda ingin coba khasiat murbei, berikut beberapa bagian tanaman yang dijadikan obat ; daun, ranting, buah dan kulit akar. Untuk meredakan tekanan darah tinggi, ambil daun murbei segar 15 gr, cuci bersih lalu direbus dengan 2 gelas air selama 15 menit. Setelah dingin disaring dan bagi jadi 2 kali minum (pagi dan sore).
Bagi anda yang punya jantung lemah, buah murbei bisa dijus dan minum sekaligus. Bila suka boleh ditambahkan sedikit madu karena madu mengandung senyawa terkompleks dan antibiotik.

Khasiat Murbei
Meredakan demam, flu, malaria, batuk, rematik, darah tinggi (hipertensi), kencing manis (diabetes mellitus), kaki gaja (elephantiasis), radang mata merah (conjunctivitis acute), perbanyak ASI, keringat malam, muntah darah, batuk darah, batuk berdahak, kolesterol tinggi (hiperkolesterolemia), tidak datang haid, gangguan saluran cerna, sesak nafas (asma), cacingan, muka bengkak (edema), susah kencing (disuria), neurasthenia, jantung berdebar (palpitasi), rasa haus dan mulut kering, susah tidur (insomnia), telinga berdenging (tinnitus), sembelit, tuli, vertigo, hepatitis, kurang darah (anemia), rambut beruban, sakit kepala, sakit tenggorokan, sakit gigi, sakit kulit, sakit pinggang (lumbago), dan menyuburkan pertumbuhan rambut.
Sumber : Koran Pak Oles, November 2010

Who does not know Mulberry plants (Morus alba L)? 
Country of origin of the fruit crop is unique bamboo curtains and has its own characteristics. Between sweet tamarind fruit flavors and is guaranteed to make fresh on the tongue. Besides leker on the tongue, has long been known as mulberry herbs for health. 

Mulberry is also a special diet because of the silkworms that many farmers are cultivating this crop. Mulberry grows well at altitudes of more than 100 m above sea level, and like the sun. In China, the mulberry is known as Sangye and in the UK called mulberries. In Indonesia, this plant is more widely known as the magnitude (mulberry or strawberry). 

In China, mulberry leaves have long been used as a traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. According to the doctors, mulberry leaves contain compounds that can suppress high blood sugar levels. In addition to special nutritious leaves, mulberry fruit or mandarin language called shen useful to strengthen the kidneys and increase blood circulation. Practically mulberries eliminate constipation and indigestion overcome.Scientists in Japan pointed to a number of biologically active compounds in leaf extracts of white mulberry (Morus alba). Plants like silkworms, the leaves are also extracted effectively suppress the development of aterosklerois, the buildup of cholesterol plaque in arteries. 

According to chemists, mulberry leaf extract contains several chemicals to the body such as ecdysterone, inokosterone, lupeol, betasitosterol, routine, moracetin, isoquersetin, scopoletin, scopolin, alpha, betahexenal, cis beta-hexenol, cis lamda hexenol, benzaidehide, eugenol, lanaloolbenzyl alcohol, butylamine, acetone, trigonelline, choline, adenine, copper, zinc, vitamins (a, b1, c and carotenoids) and amino acids, clorogenik, fumarate, folic acid and formyltetrahydrofolik, mioinositol and phytoestrogens. 

If you want to try the efficacy of mulberry, here are some parts of the plants used as medicines; leaves, twigs, berries and root bark. To relieve high blood pressure, take 15 grams of fresh mulberry leaves, wash and then boiled with 2 cups water for 15 minutes.After chilling filtered, and the finished drinking 2 times (morning and afternoon). 
For those of you who have a weak heart, mulberry fruit can be juiced and drink as well. 
If you like to be added a little honey because honey contains terkompleks compounds and antibiotics. 

Efficacy Mulberry 
Relieves fever, flu, malaria, cough, rheumatism, high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes (diabetes mellitus), style of leg (elephantiasis), red eye inflammation (acute conjunctivitis), multiply the milk, night sweats, vomiting blood, coughing blood,
 cough with phlegm, high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), does not come menstruation, gastrointestinal disturbances, shortness of breath (asthma), intestinal worms, facial swelling (edema), difficulty urinating (dysuria), neurasthenia, heart pounding (palpitations), thirst and dry mouth, difficulty sleeping (insomnia), ringing in the ears (tinnitus), constipation, deafness, vertigo, hepatitis, anemia (anemia), gray hair, headache, sore throat, toothache, sore skin, back pain (lumbago), and fertilize hair growth. 
Sources: Newspapers Pak Oles, November 2010 

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